10 fun facts about pinneapples


Here are 10 pinneapples fun facts that you should know

1- A pineapple can take up to 3 years to grow and mature into a plant.

2 - Only one pineapple is produced by a single plant in a single season.

3 - A pineapple plant can stay alive and continue giving fruits for up to 50 years.

4 - A pineapple is not a pine or an apple. Its actually a berry.

5 - The worlds largest pineapple ever recorded was in 2011 grown by Christine McCollum from Bakewell Australia. It measured 32cm long had a 66cm girth and weighed 8.28kg.

6 - You can grow pineapple plants by slicing off the top of a pineapple and planting it in soil.

7 - Hawaii produces about 1/3 of all pineapples in the world.

8  - Costa Rica grows around 75% of all pineapples sold in Europe.

9 - The Hawaiian word for pineapple is “hala kahiki.”

 10 - The Spanish term for pineapples is piña.
