10 fun facts about blackberries


Here are 10 blackberries fun facts that you should know

1 - There are around 375 species of blackberry, which are found in almost all parts of the world.

2 - The Greeks used the blackberry as a remedy for Gout, and the Romans made a tea from the leaves of the blackberry plant to treat various illnesses.

3 - Much of the first modern blackberry variety development was done in the USA , beginning with Judge Logan of California in 1880, and the release and introduction of the Loganberry.

4 - There are 43 calories in 100 grams of blackberry.

5 - Some traditions suggest that blackberries are representative of the blood of Christ. Some also believe that the crown of thorns that was placed on Christ’s head for his crucifixion was made of blackberry brambles.

6 - 100 grams of blackberries contains 23 milligrams of vitamin C, which is equal to 35% of the recommended daily intake.


7  - They’re generally in season from June until September, depending on the region that they grow in.

8 -  Other names for blackberries include lawers, thimbleberries, dewberries and brambleberries.

9 - Blackberries have slightly higher levels of antioxidants than blueberries.

10 - Evergreen blackberries are considered to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer because of the level of ellagic acid that they have.


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