
10 fun facts about oranges

Here are 10 oranges fun facts that you should know 1 - Brazil grows more oranges than anywhere else in the world 2 - Oranges originally come from southern China and Malaysia 3 - Oranges are a hybrid and don’t occur naturally 4 - The name of the fruit came before the name of the color 5 - The bigger the navel, the sweeter the orange 6 - Oranges can help prevent cancer 7 - Eating oranges promotes healthy digestion 8 - There are more than 600 different varieties of oranges 9 - More than 75% of oranges grown are used for orange juice 10 - Orange juice is the most popular juice in the world

10 fun facts about bannanas

  Here are 10 bannanas fun facts that you should know 1 - The scientific name for the banana is musa sapientum, which translates to ‘fruit of the wise men’. 2 -  Bananas float in water, and so do apples, and also the heavy watermelon. 3 -   Bananas are picked unripe from the tree and left to slowly ripen.  The hotter the environment, the faster they will ripen.  4 - B ananas used to contain so many bitter black seeds that they were pretty much inedible. Now the cultivated banana is extremely easy to eat and very delicious. 5 -  Bananas originated in Southeast Asia around 8000 to 5000 BC. 6 -  Bananas contain many essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, fibre, vitamin C, calcium, and iron . 7 -  In Japan, and other cultures, they use the fiber in the banana plant to make fabric and even paper. 8 -  We eat more than 100 billion bananas every year worldwide.  This helps bananas to repeatedly feature in the top 20 most popular agricultural products. 9 -  Bananas are believed to

10 fun facts about sunflowers

Here are 10 sunflowers fun facts that you should know 1 - A sunflower is made up of thousands of tiny flower We generally consider the head of a sunflower to be one oversized flower, but it’s actually made up of as many as 2,000 smaller flowers. The big yellow petals and brown centers of the sunflower are individual flowers themselves. All these flowers join together at the base, making what appears to be one large flower. 2 -  Sunflowers are native to North America. Sunflowers, like tomatoes, potatoes, and corn, were first grown in North America. Historians know they’ve been cultivated since at least 3000 BCE, which means people have been growing sunfloers in North America  for more than 5,000 years. Some archaeologists even speculate that Native American peoples grew sunflowers before they started cultivating corn. 3 -  There are about 70 varieties of sunflowers. Although the word “sunflower” may conjure an image of a giant yellow bloom several feet tall, dozens of different sunflowe

10 fun facts about leaves

  Here are 10 leaves fun facts that you should know 1 - Leaves are the most important organ of most vascular plants. 2 - A leaf gets it ' s green color from chlorophyll, a green pigment found in chloroplasts. 3 - Not all plant species have green leaves and can have a wide variety of others color. 4 -  Plants can have one of several different types of leaves, like stipules, conifers, sheaths or fronds. 5 -  Palma raffia – the owner of the longest leaves in the plant kingdom. In length, they can reach 25 meters. 6 -   Animals and insects that eat mostly leaves — such as pandas, caterpillars, giraffes or koalas — are called folivores. 7 -  In some plants, leaves can rotate to receive more sunlight, or, conversely, hide from it to reduce evaporation of moisture. 8 -  The widest leaves in the world are those of a giant water lily growing on the Amazon River. They can reach two meters in diameter. 9 -  Most of the leaves grow on cypress trees, on an old tree there can be up to 50 million

10 fun facts about trees

Here are 10 trees fun facts that you should know 1. Trees have only been around for the last 10% of earth’s entire history The earth may be a staggering 4.5 billion years old – but even early forms of plants (such as mosses and lichens) only sprang up as recently as 470 million years ago.  Larger plants followed about 420 million years ago, but it took tens of millions more years for trees taller than 3 feet high to evolve. 2. Some tree species never die of old age Yes, some species of tree are actually biologically immortal! That’s not to say that they won’t eventually die of other causes – but old age isn’t one of them.  The bristlecone pine is just one example. These North American trees are incredibly old. One, known as Methuselah has been alive for nearly five thousand years in a forest in California. There’s also a 3,600-year-old cypress in Chile, and a sacred fig in Sri Lanka that was planted in the third century B.C!  The Ginkgo biloba tree can also live for thousands of years.

10 fun facts about grass

Here are 10 grasses fun facts that you should know 1. Over 10,000 Different Types of Grass Exist Almost every habitat and biome on our planet has some type of grass as its resident. That’s a lot of ground to cover! Grasses come in all shapes and sizes.  Some variations of grass species include: turf grass, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, and even bamboo. 2. Grass Conserves Water and Cleans Air When grass takes root and grows beneath the soil, it acts as an anchor for all the loose soil and sand. Grass helps trap water by storing it in their roots and blades. It also cleans air through the process of photosynthesis and keeps your yard from eroding away due to rain and wind. 3. A Healthy Lawn Can Keep Your House Cool Grass blades absorb and disperse the sun’s rays and prevent the ground from absorbing and storing the sun’s radiant heat. In turn, this makes your house cooler by making the surrounding ground cooler.  Grass cover can keep the ground cool at temperatures anywhere between 30 –

10 fun facts about gooseberries

Here are 10 blackberries fun facts that you should know 1 - Gooseberry bushes produce an edible fruit and are grown on both commercial and domestic basis. 2 -  Gooseberry bush was 19th century slang for pubic hair, and from this comes the saying that babies are, “born under a gooseberry bush.” 3 -  Gooseberry originates from Europe, northwestern Africa and southeast Asia. 4 -  ild gooseberry grows in the alpine thicket, rocky areas, woodlands and hedgerows. It prefers fertile, loamy soils and areas that provide enough Sun. 5 -  .  Gooseberry grows in the form of shrub. It has woody branches with long spines which grow from the axils of leaves. It can reach 4 to 6 feet in height and 6 feet in width. 6 -  One gooseberry bush can produce 8 to 10 pounds of fruit per season. 7 -  Gooseberry is a good source of vitamin C , vitamins of the B  group and minerals such as copper, calcium, phosphorus and manganese. 8 -  Gooseberries are often used in preparation of jellies and jams. They can also

10 fun facts about blackberries

  Here are 10 blackberries fun facts that you should know 1 - There are around  375 species  of blackberry, which are found in almost all parts of the world. 2 -  The   Greeks   used the blackberry as a remedy for Gout, and the   Romans   made a  tea   from the leaves of the blackberry plant to treat various illnesses. 3 -  Much of the  first modern blackberry  variety development was done in the USA  , beginning with Judge Logan of California in 1880, and the release and introduction of the Loganberry. 4 -  There are  43 calories  in  100 grams  of blackberry. 5 -  Some traditions suggest that blackberries are representative of the blood of Christ. Some also believe that the crown of thorns that was placed on Christ’s head for his crucifixion was made of blackberry brambles. 6 -  100 grams of blackberries contains 23 milligrams of vitamin   C , which is equal to 35% of the recommended daily intake.   7  -  They’re generally in season from June until September, depending on the region

10 fun facts about coconuts

Here are 10 coconuts fun facts that you should know 1 - The World Coconut day The World Coconut day on the  2nd of September , was established in 2009 to celebrate the benefits of the Coconut.The day highlights the importance and usage of Coconuts. Don’t forget to celebrate that day! 2 -   A Coconut can travel long distances A Coconut can travel up to 100 days on the ocean’s tide and still germinate. Because of their water-resistance, coconuts are able to stay afloat over the ocean. That’s why they can be found all over the Pacific, the Indian Ocean regions, and Africa. 3 -  The Coconut flag The flag of the Indonesian Scouting Organization, uses the symbol of a coconut tree. It symbolizes the philosophy of a true Scout, who must make him/her self useful in all aspects of life like the Coconut tree is for Indonesian people every day. 4 -  Coconut Oil for dogs! Coconut oil has the same benefits for dogs as it has for humans! It improves any dog's skin, coat, and digestion, and can re

10 fun facts about apples

Here are 10 apples fun facts that you should know 1 -  Apple trees take 4-5 years to produce their first fruit. A standard size apple tree starts bearing fruit 8-10 years after it is planted. A dwarf tree starts bearing fruit in 3-5 years. 2 - Apples will ripen six to ten times faster at room temperature than if they were refrigerated.               3 - It takes about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider. 4 - The science of apple growing is called pomology. 5 - It takes the energy of 50 leaves to produce one apple. 6 - Apples are members of the rose family. 7 - Thanks to their high levels of boron, apples can help improve your memory, mental alertness, and electrical activity of the brain. 8 - The average person eats 65 apples a year. 9 - Apple trees can live to be about 100 years old. 10 - Freshly pressed apple juice immediately turns brown upon contact with air because of oxidation.